Tuesday, March 3, 2009

PSF IV Story Thoughts (The Secret Origin of Spin-Man)

I think I remember an editor (Lou Anders maybe?) saying that people don't usually read stories in anthologies in the order listed in the Table of Contents: I guess I'd be one of the minority in that sense. Maybe it just comes from long habit resisting the urge to "skip ahead" when reading novels.

Anyway I'm about a third of the way through Philippine Speculative Fiction Vol. 4, and I thought I'd post my thoughts on each story as I go along. While I'll try to avoid out and out spoilers - spoilers may still be present.


The Secret Origin of Spin-Man by Andrew Drillon:

I have to admit - it's hard to look at this story objectively, since the narrative touches upon names and images that trigger so many nostalgic memories: Virra mall, CATS and comic books have a special place in the heart of many Xavierians. (All it would have taken was a mention of Green Rose barber shop and the brief period where we actually had an Arbys here in the Philippines, and I think I would have been moved to tears @_@)

I'd like to think though that even without the benefit of drawing upon the same pool of memories as the reader, the story does a good job of transporting one back into the past of the POV character. It also shows clearly the close bond between the brothers - a good thing too because it is essential to the story - though there were some points where (at the expense of a greater focus on mood/setting) that focus wavers a bit.

The speculative twist is one many will see coming - but that doesn't dilute the feeling of loss that pervaded the last few pages. That the scenes that unfolded had an emotional impact, even if I was expecting their occurence, is a testament to the fact that in the space of a few pages, the story had created in me empathy for the characters.

I was surprised though that the POV character never engaged in a what if rumination about what would have happened if he had taken up his brothers offer. Hey, a Watcher cameo would have fit in with the theme :)

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