Wednesday, March 4, 2009

BookRix: First Attempt

Spent some time fiddling with the BookRix interface:
* Much more convenient to upload a .pdf file than have to redo the formatting of a copy-pasted text;
* The speed that the pages of the "book" load still leave a lot to be desired;
* Size 22 font seems to be the minimum for easy reading - I'm using size 24 in the example below;
* The embedding code works on blogger, but not on multiply or livejournal - they have another type of code that does, but that one doesn't show the cover page of the book;
* The embedded book is a lot bigger than I thought it'd be - I thought it'd just be the title page that, when clicked, would open the book in another window.
* EDIT: AAand, its so big it isn't completely seen. That's really bad @_@
* EDIT2: Changed the blog template so the whole book is visible - but that shouldn't have been necessary. BookRix needs a way to re-size the thing.

So I think BookRix still has a way to go before it becomes a viable marketing tool. Still, the idea of embedding "books" on sites appeals to me for some reason.

In any case, here's my first "BookRix" book: the script for my Animax 2007 entry:

Years ago Taryn Damour was a normal child, content to play games of make-believe with Andel, her best friend; now she is a Knight of the Twin Swords, sword to eradicate the scourge that is the Orkoi race. On the eve of her greatest mission, she finds herself suddenly reunited with Andel... but is he the same boy she once knew? Or will the secrets he carries bring her world crashing down upon them?

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